Pu-erh Tea

Pu-erh, Pu'er tea, Puer tea or Bolay tea is a type of tea made from a "large leaf" variety of the tea plant Camellia sinensis and named after Pu'er county near Simao, Yunnan, China.

Pu-erh tea can be purchased as either raw/green or ripened/cooked, which is dependent on processing method or aging.

Health Benefits

Drinking pu-erh tea is helps to reduce blood cholesterol. This belief has been backed up by scientific studies in which experiments have been carried out to prove the fact that it does reduce blood cholesterol, test were carried out on laboratory rats. Pu-erh tea has been shown to have antimutagenic and antimicrobial properties as well.

In traditional Chinese medication, pu-erh tea is believed to reduce heat.

Pu-erh tea is widely sold as a weight loss tea product. However, there has not been evidence of pu-erh tea being able to act as a weight loss product. It is known that drinking pu-erh tea does in fact increase your metabolism which could be the reason why some people experience weight lost when drinking the tea. Experienments carried out on laboratory rats have shown that the rats have lost a little weight after drinking the tea, this fact however has not been proven.

Some pu-erh brick tea has been found to contain very high levels of fluorine, because it is generally made from lesser quality older tea leaves and stems, which accumulate fluorine. Its consumption has led to fluorosis (a form of fluoride poisoning that affects the bones and teeth) in areas of high brick tea consumption, such as Tibet
