Tea Vs Coffee




Place of Origin


Yunnan province, China, the northern region of Myanmar and the state of Assam in India

Origin Period: 9th Century AD 2737 BC

Caffine content

125 - 185 mg per cup

55 mg per cup (50% less than coffee)

Benefits related to Cancer

Coffee by far does not contain any ingredient which is related to preventing cancer.

Tea contains Tannin and Catechin have been associated with preventing cancer and heart diseases

Caffeine content and effects

Tea: Tea has approximately 55 milligrams of caffeine per cup. Various teas contain different amounts of caffeine. Green tea is known to contain the least amount of caffeine, followed by black tea and lastly oolong tea. The caffeine in tea is said to increase concentration, and enhance the sense of taste and smell.

Coffee: Coffee has approximately 125-185 milligrams of caffeine per cup. The caffeine effect caused by coffee is related to being full or energy at first and then slowly start to get tried as time goes by. The effects of the caffeine in coffee are immediate. Many varieties of decaffeinated coffees are available on the market today.

Studies have shown that if both coffee and tea is drunk in moderation, no harmful side effects will occur.

Medical differences between tea and coffee

Caffeine is useful in alleviating asthma by helping relax the airways in the lungs. But that's about the extent of its practicality for health purposes. By contrast, tea contain ingredients which are known to fight cancer and heart disease. All the different types of tea black, green white it is known that all of these tea originates from the plant Camellia sinensis. The difference is that black tea leaves are fermented; green are not. Teas of contain polyphenols, a class of flavonoids. These compounds function as powerful antioxidants that can protect your body from free radical stress. The most notable of these is quercetin, well known for its ability to temper allergic reactions and interrupt the oxidation of LDL, or "bad," cholesterol. Green tea may prevent cancer, restrict blood cholesterol, control high blood pressure, lower blood sugar, suppress aging, deter food poisoning prevent and treat skin disease, stop cavities and fight viruses. As compared to coffee, which contains no little to no health benefit at all. Coffee does however, help in combating drowsiness, temporarily boosting athletic performance, easing congestion due to colds and flu, preventing asthma attacks and enhancing the pain-relieving effects of aspirin. In conculsion, if we are to compare to the two purely based on medical benefits, tea( Green tea to be more precise) is clearly the better choice.